Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The one who used to be

Never forget the dates,, not the hang outs, what I mean are those  seen on calendars..
Cause' one of those days,will haunt you as days pass..

She will forget to answer your messages,, she will totally ignore every single text
She will never get to answer the long calls you've been doing before
Yes, because that was before..

She will never have the time to spend the afternoon with you.
Because she got some other important things to do
Much more important than you

She will give you a cold shoulder whenever you ask her what's wrong
Because it only means that she doesn't want you involved
You can never ask her if you can help
because she will just tell you to back off..

You will be deafened by her silence, although you're with her
Because she's not there anymore, you can see her though
but she's not seeing you anymore, not the way it was before

You will never get to bond with her whenever you like having her around
because she will think its a waste of time

The waffles will no longer be sweet, the coffee's gone bitter and the ice cream will melt..

The arcade will be the loneliest place you'll go, she's already allergic to that place

She will begin to say no.. she will begin to ignore your playful bickers..
She will answer in monotones, she will forget the dutch treats
She will never bother to ask if your fine..
She will begin to look at you like you were never there

Her promises will be broken, your efforts will be useless

Because she's beginning to forget all about you.. and if you still didn't notice that, well that's so naive of you.

Don't ask her what happened, what went awry or if you have sinned..

Because she's blaming herself for wasting her time and she's making herself busy to get it over with,,

You had her at hello, but she will leave without a goodbye..

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


The word itself can kill you..
Its always like your expecting for something good..
But when it never happens, you end in a foul mood..

You cringe at your seat, waiting in distress
Your heart was beating fast, your mind was a mess.
Its like you want the minutes to fade, just let time go cascade..
But as the moment approaches,
Tick tock,tick tock...

The world stopped when none of what you wanted happened..
And you learn to smile the fake one.
Say that's ok..

And you learn never to expect for the good again..

Cause the bad things just shot your spirits dead..