HAHAHA... I finally got the pics of our recently celebrated Induction PArty.. Everything that's unusual to me happened there. I got myself dizzy for a shot of brandy,(yep.. HAving that gulps of MAtador made me tipsy.. I bet I won't do that again... hehehe)

Hmmm.. It's already two weeks that have passed and I cant still remember anything that happened that day. The Retro DAnce was cool.. HAHAHA.. I was wearing an orange dress and white legging and thank goodness the fashion police did'nt arrest me. After all, a lot has dressed like that so no regrets..
Well, here are some happenings that night..
- We failed to prepare our food for that occassion. Why? Because one of our friends had her birthday before that event.. (yep,, and they also drank a lot on that day, merong 2 lasing!!!). Luckilly, some of my classmates have loads of baon, and its not just loads, they even afforded to share a lot to us.. hehehe.. NAturalmente,we have brought some food too. We had ourselves contribute fifty pesos for a bucket of fried chicken from our friendly neighbor Jolibee.( Actually, it failed to meet our starving tummies, thats' why we asked others to lend us some.. HUr3.. Poorment..HAha..)
- I nearly slipped while dancing in the tune of "Just got Lucky". I was in luck indeed because I did'nt fell in the floor. My friend Plinky even said to me that we'll be shifting courses after the humiliating dance number. After all, it was for the sake of the class.. (no time for regrets and I'm still a psyche student!!!)
- I was bombardedly out of my mind while I was freaking out on the dancefloor..(this is after the program). Everyone was having fun while novelty songs and alternatives invaded the air. I was having a showdown with a lot of my classsmates especially to Party pheepz who seemed to be scandalized after seeing me doing a Booty shake.. Too uncharacteristic for me?!
- I was shocked after seeing Johnler having a date in the pool.. (hei.. Guess who!) She was drunk that time so I guess she did'nt felt that Johnler suddenly peed in the pool, to think that she's hugging him..(lol)
- The unexpected people to storm the dancefloor was the Sundae group. I thought they don't like parties.. Hei maravz, I saw you dance too..
- I got an itchy back after eating a lot of pansit palabok.. It was only in the morning when I found out that the reason why I can't go to the deeper side of the pool.( I was having a hard time breathing at 5 feet)

After all it was a success.. Seeing my classmates enjoy every second of that night was refreshing, parang it took away the gap that almost formed between our groups.
The only thing I learned from that week was I really have to control my burst of emotions..(hahaha.. I was angry at the sundae group for a whole week before this party ) I had this tendency kasi
to unwantedly plant hatred in my heart once I don't get the explanation I deserve.hehehe..

Well, guess our section is now a family.. MAinggit nlang kayo...
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bkt mahirap aqng ma read huh????
wla pa aqng na is2lt s blog q eh,,,