Semestral breaks are usually 'bout home comfort, viscious vacations, having complete 8 hours sleep, eating whatever you wanna eat,, But watta hell I am going through nowadays!! WAking up at 2 am to go to the canteen( a family mini business, located at St. Rose Terminal, Crossing, Calamba LAguna, beside KFC.) and screwing up my joints cooking the way to profits!! Whew... In such a small time I am Able to accomodate my stress but my friends keep on telling me that I look miserable everytime they see me.. Grr.. I am only 18 but I am already having the stress and bustles of a busy family person.. My goodness.. But why am I complaining? No, It's not because I am having all these burden in my back but because all these happened due to untrustworthy bloodkins that keeps on appearing in our house,,, ( Yah, We got a lot of people in the our house the past week but now they all disappeared because of money.. Dont ask what's that about.. Im kinda jittery bout that yah know)
Well, what's good about this work? Well, I can say that I have made my abilities as a CAshier
/ Cook/ Dishwasher good enough to call and I'm proud to say thatb I can work in nintense pressure!!! HAHAHAHA!! Think of it, I can still post my entries!!! I'm having the best of my time management today; Disciplining myself to sleep early so that my eyes wont look puffy in the morning, eating loads of veggies so that I can have beautiful mornings, and having the right load of exercise to prevent sedentary lifestyles.. I can say that even though I'm working in a food business, Im not getting the unneeded fat from what I consume because I'm beggining to become picky on what I eat! HAhaha.. Tasting those viands made my tastsbuds numb, resulting to end up eating what I think fits my mood.. (how bout a bowl of Kamote tops for lunch.. YUM2!!!) The best part of it is staying in the canteen kis the best way to shed your fats because its preety hot there, it's like moving inside an oven. (think about having free liposuction during lunch hours, with costumers yelling at you because they cant wait!!!)
What else? Hmmm.. The prices of oil have been rolling back but still there's no fare rolling down.. Whatta hell was that!!! I usually argue with drivers once I dont receive the right change, but they are the ones brave enough to tell that they dont have the "Kita" they want to get!!! Low oil prices but high fares? That's very tricky huh, think about monkeys holding the "manibela" of the jeepney you are riding!

Well, I think this week, I'll be getting more distractors, stressors and burdens so keeping this blog site would be useful to keep my nerves down.. See? I can still browse for my prince' pics... Ripleys and pinoy records really made me feel entusiastic even though I lack 3 hours of sleep!!!
To anyone ( especially these groups: TessAnna, SEEmah, Sundae, THe Company and The PArty pheepz!!1) who'll be reading these entry, please be reminded that the enrolment will be on October 22, the same day where our classcards shall be flowing!!! To scholars, (ehem, Who shall be getting some "Anda"...), Maam sanchez said that there should be no bugging in her office this week because she will be on MAnila for something,, The Stains research should be bookbinded also to be passed on the enrolment day!!! Cheerers, see you on 27 for the first day of classes and brainstorming for our costume.. (jeez.. Why is our color code white?!), Psych students, let's storm LA Salle Lipa on 28, "Go PUP!!! ONE BIg FIght!!"
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